
Training nights will be finalised after completion of grading and team placements. If you have been selected for a team that trains on nights you cannot attend, the Club will ascertain if another similar team has a vacancy. If there is no vacancy, the Club will offer a position with the Academy program (no competition).

Training Schedule

Age Group




Shooting StarsOnce a week Saturdays 9amThis is a Term program
(4 Terms)
6 - 9 years
1-2 per weekTuesday 5.30pm
Saturdays 9am
This is a Semester program
(2 semesters)
U8 - U111-2 per weekDependent on CoachJoey teams may elect
1 per week
U12 - U162 per weekDependent on CoachCoach may arrange
additional sessions
U18 - Senior2 per weekTuesday & ThursdayCoach may arrange
aditional sessions
Bayside LeaguesVariedVariedTraining is determined
on an ongoing basis
Aurora Academy1-2 per weekWednesday & FridayTerm program
optional 1-2 nights

*U6s, U7s, U8s Superstars train one night per week only with planned Saturday morning Gala Days .
*U8s & U9s are encouraged to train 2 nights per week if possible.    
*U10s & U11s are expected to train 2 nights per week if possible.
All other age groups train 2 nights per week.
Training sessions run for approximately 45 to 90 minutes, dependent on age, coach, weather etc
The scheduling of training sessions will be arranged between the Coach and the Club. Training nights are set prior to competition and following the grading period. Any changes during the season will be discussed with the team and arranged beween the Coach & Club.
If the Club is of the opinion that the health and safety of players is at risk due to adverse weather and ground conditions, training will be cancelled.
If the light towers at the ground are off, training has been cancelled.      
If the Club has cancelled training or has been advised by the City of Casey, the Club will place a notification on this website and Facebook page. Notifications will be sent to your registered email address. Your coach may send an SMS.

If the Coach has cancelled training for a team, the Coach will contact players direct by SMS and inform the Club.

Goalkeeper Training

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The Club will provide dedicated Goalkeeper training for players 9 years up.
Junior goalkeepers will have access to our qualified and accredited Coach throughout the season. A timetable is being finalised and will be dependent on the final number of teams the club will enter to competition.
If your child would like to consider being a goalkeeper, please inform the coach and also our Head of Youth Development.

All senior goalkeepers will have regular weekly goalkeeper training.

Macca's Cup
28th - 30th
Entire Calendar...

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