Comets News

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Self Defence Classes

Casey Comets are offering self defence classes. These classes are designed to teach self defence to juniors and parents.
Classes will be in the clubrooms. Wear comfortable clothing, preferably tracksuit pants or shorts (except bike shorts). No footwear needed. 
Just $5 at the door- no need to book.
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Superstars Term 4 Open for Registration

Superstars  Term 4 2024 

Register using the QR Code or click HERE


JCL U8 CHAMPIONS Congratulations to our U8 Kangaroos who took out the Junior Champions League trophy last night by winning the final v FC Bulleen Lions 3 - 2.
It was an inspiring team performance against a formidable opposition and every player should be congratulated for their amazing effort and commitment.
Congratulations to Jake Byrnes who was awarded the U8 JCL MVP award!!!!!!


Macca's Cup
28th - 30th
Entire Calendar...

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