Season 2025

Casey Comets is a community club that offers football programs for junior players as well as adult competitive teams and programs for both male and female players.

Programs start for players from 4 years of age.
Competitive football starts for players aged 7 years.

Below you will find information for new and returning players

We have several teams in each group with a single team in some of the older age groups. We are happy to accept new players, however we will require additional volunteer coaches to ensure every player can participate in a team.

Registration is open to returning players, while new players can complete the Expression of Interest link. We have Come & Try Days in February and new players will be offered a place in an existing team where there are vacancies or will be offered a place in a new team as soon as a new coach is appointed.

New Players

**expression of interest now closed for new players**


Returning Players

Welcome to Casey Comets Football Club 2025 Registration. This registration is for junior teams that will participate in Football Victoria competition.

The registration is a 2 step process.

1) Club registration. A parent/guardian must complete the registration process and parent/guardian details are to be provided. Fees are payable in full, or a payment plan can be arranged that must be paid in full prior to 31st March 2025. A team position is not confirmed unless fees are paid or a plan is in place.

Please ensure that your contact details are current as we may communicate by SMS and email. We can send emails to both parents if you request this during registration.

2) Registration with Football Victoria. To be eligible to play in the FV Competition, this step will need to be completed (The 2024 season is not yet open to register, but this will be confirmed closer to the season start) The FV fees are paid directly to Football Victoria. The FV registration is separate from your club registration and a player cannot participate without completing this step. You will need to upload a photo of your child (headshot) to their FV profile when registering. The Club will provide you with the FV registration link once the portal is open.
Please note that the Club has no jurisdiction or input into the Football Victoria fees. The player (parent/guardian) will be completing fee payment of the fv fees directly with Football Victoria.

Club playing kits are purchased separately and you can select and pay by the online shop which will appear during your online registration. We do not place an order for your kit until the order is paid and received.

If you have any questions relating to registration, please contact:


Volunteering and Coaching at Casey Comets

We make no apologies for this section appearing at the top of this page and it will appear on other pages.

Casey Comets is a community club, we are a community that operates to provide football to community. We cannot run without the hard work of volunteers, whether it is a committee member, junior coach, team manager, groundskeeper or the myriad of other jobs needed to ensure the club functions.

We totally understand that we all lead busy lives, but sharing the load makes it easier for everyone and makes for a better experience for our junior players. 

We desperately need the following - 

Ground Marshalls
MiniRoos Referees
Canteen volunteers
Line Marking pitches
Pitch and grounds maintenance 
plus many more roles

We invite new members to join the Committee. We have several vacancies, so if you have a skill, please let us know.
Positions available include

Most importantly, We want to provide football for as many junior players as we can. This is only achieved if we have more volunteers prepared to coach a team.
As a junior coach, you will responsible for leading/supporting training sessions, including planning, delivery of the session and overall management of the team. You will be responsible on match day to conduct or oversee the player warmup, player rotation and coaching.

No direct coaching experience is required, but an understanding and/or experience of football or working with children is desirable.

No direct coaching experience is required, but an understanding of soccer and/or experience working with kids is desirable.

The demand for playing currently outweighs the team positions available.

Please let us know on registration day or email


Season Overview

Casey Comets offers programs for boys and girls that encourage both football development and social development as they play team sports whether in a program or competitive team. Casey Comets is looking to expand its teams and programs in 2025 and we are pleased that the majority of players from 2024 are staying with us.

We are a community club that is run and managed by a small group of volunteers. As it is a community club, we invite all our parents, families and senior players to join our community by volunteering through the season. A community club cannot function without ongoing support from our club community. The club has a few positions and roles that are now remunerated to ensure that we can meet the expectations of offering community football, however it is important that volunteering is expected for families that are interested in joining our community club.

Volunteering or assistance can include coaching, team managing, game day marshall, first aid cover, canteen, or even joining a Committee or sub-committee. Each junior team will be asked to provide canteen cover through the season.

Being part of a community club includes social activities for parents as well with several functions held through the year.

The majority of our junior teams are coached by parents or volunteers. Every committee member is a parent of a past or current player. Expansion of teams can only happen with more coaches coming on board. We support volunteer coaches and in 2025 we will be linking in with Football Victoria's coaching program.

There are a few teams that have a paid coach, those teams have increased fees to cover the cost of coaching. We endeavour to recruit volunteer coaches and paid coaches to meet the expectation of teams who are competing in higher grade teams.

In 2025, our immediate focus is retaining players from 2024, increasing female participation and expanding the amount of teams in competition across all age groups.

REGISTRATION FOR 2025 (U8 - U18) - If you are unsure what team your child should register for, click HERE)

All new players, please complete the Expression of Interest form (please answer all sections). You will receive the full registration link as soon as your child is accepted to a team

Returning 2024 players (U8 - U18) - You will receive an invite to complete the season registration, please complete all sections. 

Please note that the registration gives you an option to include both parents to receive communications, plese complete if applicable

Senior teams and senior social football registration will be detailed on another registration page.


FV MiniRoos U8s - U11s

FV MiniRoos U8 and U9 
Train 2 evenings per week, play Saturday mornings
Squad of 10 players, match 7 v 7 (inc GK)
Several teams per age group
Graded Joeys, Wallabies and Kangaroos 
Can be mixed boys & girls  (Female only based on numbers)
Coached by parent volunteer (guided by FV CCC program and Club's Coach Coordinator)
May have a qualified coach if available, the costs will be added to the player registration.

FV MiniRoos U10 and U11 
Train 2 evenings per week, play Saturday mornings
Squad of 12 players, match 9 v 9 (inc GK)
Several teams per age group
Graded Joeys, Wallabies and Kangaroos
Can be mixed boys and girls (Female only based on numbers)
Coached by a parent volunteer (guided by FV CCC program and Club's Coach Coordinator)
May have a qualified coach if available, the costs will be added to the player registration.

For FV match information, see HERE


FV Juniors U12s - U18s

FV Juniors U12s and U13s 
U12s and U13s train 2 evenings per week.
U12s play Saturdays
U13s play Sundays
U12s and U13s play on a half sized pitch 9 v 9 
Squad size 12 - 13 players - designated goalkeeper
Boys only and Girls only teams (Can be mixed as per FV rules)
Offside rule introduced.
FV referees 
Parents/Guardians assist with running the lines and team marshal

For full FV rules and regulations, click HERE

FV Juniors U14s - U18s
U14s - U18s train 2 evenings per week
U14s - U18s play Sundays
U14s - U18s play on a full size pitch
Designated goalkeeper
Girls play in a female specific team
FV Referees
Parents/Guardians assist with running the lines and team marshal.

For full FV rules and regulations, click HERE


Trials, Come & Try sessions

Returning players will receive a Registration link before the season starts and are guaranteed a position 

New players will complete the Expression of Interest link and will be invited to pre season grading sessions.

Preseason training is for all players U8 - U18 players. It is important to attend all or as many preseason training sessions to assist us in grading your child to their appropriate skill level. As soon as a player is confirmed to a team, fees should be paid or a payment plan arranged.

We will try and accommodate all players. Some will be offered a position in a current team that has positions available, while some will be placed in a new team that is ready to go once a coach is appointed. New teams will require a team coach. We are a community club and all our coaches either are current parents or were parents with a child playing at some stage. There are a few higher grade teams that have more experienced paid coaches.

We ask every parent to consider coaching a team. It can be a shared role. We offer coaching support, access to courses and FV training.

Where possible, if there are several teams at a similar level in an age group, we can buddy up team training.

MiniRoos (U8 - U11) 

The majority of teams in the MiniRoos age groups will be invited to initial training sessions and then be invited to join an existing team or a newly formed team. 
Generally, new players are not graded but placed in an appropriate team. Initially new players will participate in come and try sessions before being moved to a team.
There are teams in the MiniRoos age groups that have been playing together for a few seasons and play in a higher graded team. If there are vacancies in these specific teams, players are invited to train by coach invitation only.

Levels at MiniRoos are Joeys, Wallabies and Kangaroos. 
Its important to note that MiniRoos players are placed in the most appropriate team for their current ability and will play competitive matches against similar level teams. It's so important that players enjoy their experience while gaining new skills and learning to play a team sport.

We will do our best to accommodate all players. The majority of new players in our younger ge groups will play in a Joey level team. It is important that players get the best experience and enjoy playing. As a community club, we are always looking for for parents/guardians or older siblings to take on coaching roles. You may have a love for the game, have other sporting experience or just want to get involved. Please let us know if you are able to assist with this.

Juniors (U12 - U18) 
Players in the older age groups can attend trials and grading sessions for the higher graded teams. Teams from U12 upwards will participate in more structured pre season training and will be placed in the most appropriate team. Returning players will be initially placed in their previous team but there will be movement across teams based on player skill development and team availability.
We will require parent coaches if the number of players exceed current teams.

Grading & Come & Try Dates - Feb 2025 

Please ensure you arrive for the correct age group.

What to bring/wear 
Comfortable sports clothes, football kit
Runners/Trainers (No boots in Feb as the ground is very hard)
Water bottle
Hat (wear while waiting)

What to expect on the day of the come & try sessions/grading sessions 

1) Arrive a few minutes before your come & try session time or grading/training session
2) At Come & try sessions, check in your child (name & dob)
    At training, let the coach know your name and dob, and where you have played previously
3) Come & Try session players will receive a numbered bib
4) Your player will be placed in either an existing team (dependent on spots available) or be placed in a new team. You        will receive an invitation to register for the season and advised of the training days and times. You can then accept            and proceed with registration.



COME & TRY 09/02

COME & TRY 15/02



U8s2017N/A9 amN/ANew teams
U9s20169.30 am10.30 amN/ANew players
U10s201511.00 am9.00 amN/ANew players
U11s20149.30 am10.30 amN/ANew players
U12s201311.00 am12.00 pmN/AAll players
U13s2012N/AN/AYesMon/Weds 6.45
commencing 17/02
U14s2011N/AN/AYesMon/Weds 6.45 pm
commencing 17/02
U15s2010N/AN/AYesMon/Weds 6.45 pm
commencing 17/02
U8/9/10 Girls2017/16/15N/A10.30 amN/AAll players
U12 Girls2014/1311.00 am12.00 pmN/AAll players
U13 Girls2012N/AN/AYesNew players go to U12s sessions. Players with comp exp Tues/Thurs from 11/02
U15/16/17 Girls2008/9/10/11N/AN/AYesTraining Tues/Thurs 5.30 pm
Return date TBC


2025 Junior Season at a Glance

Name of program

Season Begins

Season Ends

Catch up Rounds

Public Holidays


9th Feb (Sun)
15th Feb (Sat
Come & Try 
N/AN/A10th March
Labour Day (Mon)
Week beginning
17th Feb
Team Training
Juniors Grading
Sessions start

commences (TMs will advise 
each team direct)
N/AN/A5th April -
21st April
Term 1 Break
10th March
Labour Day (Mon)
Term 1 Superstars
4 - 9 years
1st March 
9.30 am - 
10.30 am
19th April 9.30am -  
10.30 am
N/A5th April - 
21st April
Term 1 Break
FV Competition
MiniRoos (Sat)
26th April
Match schedule
provided by TMs
6th September 7th June
12th July
5th July -
20th July
Term 2 Break
FV Competition
Juniors 12s+
26th/27th April 
Match schedule provided by TMs
24th/25th May
12th/13th July
League Regrade after R4
5th July -
20th July
Term 2 Break
13th/14th Sept
20th/21st Sept
Term 2
4 - 9 years
10th May 
9.30 am - 
10.30 am
28th June
9.30 am -
10.30 am
N/A9th June
Kings Birthday
Term 3
4 - 9 years
19th July 
9.30 am - 
10.30 am
6th Sept
9.30 am - 
10.30 am
Times tbc
28th Sept
Post season 
training programs
Post season Comp
6th October

2025 Age Groups (What team will I play for)

Players are eligible to play for teams that are under their next age.

'Under' means the age you are under on 01/01/2025. i.e., If you are 12 on the 01/01/2025, you will be eligible for U13s.
'Under' = turning.
For example, this years U13s will be played by 12 year olds that will be turning 13 this year.

Year of Birth


Relevant Comments

2017U8Returning Superstars born 2018 may be eligible to play U8s (2 years)
Option to participate in the Superstars program
2016U9Option to participate in the Superstars program
2013U12First year of Junior football
2008U17May be considered for Reserves
2007U18May be considered for Reserves
2016 - 2021SuperstarsProgram based. Players can join the term of their 4th birthday. U8 (2017) and U9 (2016) can join this program instead of joining a competitive team
Players will be playing in heir own age group in most cases. 
There may be combined age groups based on the number of players, for example if we have 8 players from U12 and 6 players from U13 and all available teams are full, we will look to create an additional U13 team and place in an appropriate level league.

The Club operates policies that comply with Football Victoria rules and regulations and the FV age dispensation policy. Please read the information below.


TIPS ( 1)


Match Day

MiniRoos and Juniors have 18 rounds of compeition. Generally, there are 9 home matches and 9 away matches.

Football Victoria administer the competition and detemine the leagues. Lagues are split into 4 zones, North, South, East and West. As there are usually several leagues within each zone, FV will strive to group clubs in leagues based on club locations within zones.

Higher grade leagues may have a wider travel zone based on team entries but generally they will still be within the N,S,E and W zones.

All parents will have roles or tasks allocated to them to ensure that match day runs smoothly and that your child gets the best experience on match day.

Casey Comets is no different to other community clubs or sports codes in expecting parent participation to ensure that match day and/or training runs smoothly. 

Roles on match day could be 
  • ensuring the pitch is safe to play
  • assisting with the player pre match warm up 
  • providing 1/2 time oranges (roster system)
  • stand in should no referee arrive (home matches) 
  • ensure that match balls and corner flags are in situ
  • running lines (U12+)
  • team marshall

FV have released a Club Handbook that contains detailed information regarding match day. We ask that all parents/guardians read the match book as it contains important information on what can be expected during the season. This may be updated for 2025.

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Casey Comets has to comply with FV Rules and Regulations and needs to ensure that teams have a team marshall and that we have ground marshalls at the facility. These are volunteer roles that are carried out by teams (parents). FV have supplied a Ground Marshall Handbook with information regarding the position responsibilities. 

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Kits (Uniforms)

Playing kits are not covered by club fees and are purchased separately.

The club has a supply of kits on site for purchase, however kits can also be purchased direct from the supplier should a size not be available. 

A playing kit contains a home shirt, away shirt, shorts and socks. Your TM will advise which shirt should be worn each week, although we recommend bringing both shirts to each match.

The playing kits are mandatory wear and comply with all FV Rules and Regulations of competition.
Returning players can reuse their kits from last year, while new players purchase kits. The club will strive to provide kits with numbers not already allocated. It may that a kit has to be ordered with an unused number or we can adapt the number so there are no number duplications.

We will order in a large supply of socks as we recommend purchasing additional socks.

Club Merchandise is also available direct from the supplier (jackets, coats, tracksuits)

Shinguards are MANDATORY. We have shin guards available to buy at a low price or they can be purchased from a reputable sports store.

Football Boots must be worn at training and match day. A referee will not allow a player to participate without shinguards, club football socks or football boots,

Football boots should have plastic studs (no metal studs). Boots can be purchased from a reputable sports store. We recommend wearing the boots in for comfort, purchasing based on player comfort and keep in mind that children's feet grow extraordinarily quickly.

Junior  Kits 2024
What to pack for a match 

It is important to set good habits and encourage younger players to assist with packing the kit bag. Junior players should become responsible for ensuring they have everything they need on match days. 

Full water bottle
Football Boots 
Socks (Spare socks)
Home & Away shirt
Warm jacket (dependent on the season) 
Rain or waterproof jacket
Trackpants (dependent on the season)
Runners/Trainers - Most clubs do not allow football boots inside the clubrooms
Bag - a designated boot bag or even plastic bag for dirty boots
Medication/Inhaler - If you are prescribed meds or have asthma
Mosquito spray


Season 2025 Fees

Casey Comets has split its season fees into 3 separate payments

1) Club Fees - The fees set by the Club to cover all costs in running the club, teams and competition management.
2) FV & FA - Player Fees set by the Association to participate in the outdoor competition 2025. The fees are set by FV and are paid direct through the Football Australia competition portal 
3) Playing kit - This fee is paid seprataely to allow reuse of the 2024 kit for returning players. New players or those seeking to replace kit will pay for kit items separately. 

2025 Junior Fees

MiniRoos (U8 - U11)

Juniors (U12 - U18)

Club Fees$530$580
Playing Kit$90*$90*
Deposit 20%20%
FV/FA Fees$81$129
Total (incl kit)$701*$799*
Club fees can be paid in full or a deposit can be made to reserve the team position. A deposit should be paid within 7 days of a team position being offered. Your position is not guaranteed until the deposit is paid. Fees should be completed by 31st March unless a payment is set up. 

Fee Payments 
Fees can be paid when registering (completing the registration invite). Fees can be paid online by credit/debit card or via BPAY. There is a GST charge as the club is registered for GST.
The Club is charged 2.9% for online payments which we have incorporated in the club fees.
Alternatively, payment can be made by bank transfer offline, by EFTPOS or even cash. The club will provide online receipts sent to your email. If a payment is taken at the Club, we will also provide a manual receipt and confirm with an online receipt. Payments can be made at the Club to Committee members only.

TIPS ( 2)

Casey Comets recognises that everyone's financial situation is different and we are pleased to offer payment plans that spread the cost of club fees. This is especially helpful if you have more than one child playing. Payment plans are offered for the club portion of fees only, playing kits and FV/FA fees will need to be paid in full.
The payment plans are managed through our web hosts financial system.
A deposit of $100 is still required to reserve your child's position in the team. A payment plan can be set up with a payment frequency of your choosing (weekly, fortnightly, monthly). Each payment has a $0.99 charge applied by the provider although there are no set up fees for you, the member. The Club is charged 2.9% for each online payment which we have incorporated in the club fees.

How do I request a payment plan?
Please speak with a Committee member to set up an agreed payment plan. Payment frequency can be discussed along with a specific end date.
Our committee member will set up the payment plan with the details you provide
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You will need to provide your bank details 
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Details will be accepted by you and the Committee member
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The payment plan is confirmed. Please note that if payments are unsuccessful, additional fees are applied. The provider will attempt to debit the account provided again.
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Get Active Kids Vouchers

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The 'Get Active Voucher' scheme is a government initiative to help with costs of children playing organised sport and recreation activities. The voucher can be used to help with the cost of club registration fees, sports uniforms, association fees and equipment. Eligible families may receive up to $200 per child.

There is more than 1 voucher release a year. The current cycle has ended, however we expect a subsequent release in the next few months. 
To be eligible,
  • Players must be under 18 years of age
  • A Victorian resident
  • Named on a valid Commonwealth Health Care Card and Medicare Card 
  • Named on a Pensioner Concession Card. and Medicare Card

The Club will advise members when the next release has been advised by government. For more detailed information, please visit

If you are eligible but have already paid the Club, Association, purchased club kit, you can get reimbursed when Round 9 vouchers are released. You can receive reimbursement by visiting the 'get active' website and select 'get reimbursed'.  

To apply and redeem the voucher against Casey Comets Club fees, please use our code 3003263

Family Discounts

Casey Comets offers a 10% total club fees discount for 2 or more siblings. Please discuss with a Committee member who will assist you in applying the discount. Please note, this is not applied to playing kits or the association fees but just the club fees.

Coach Discounts

If you are a parent coaching your child's team, the Club will apply a 100% club fee discount to your child's club fees. This is applicable only to the child within that team. If you co-coach, the coach discount is split. Player fees have been costed based on 1 coach per team. A committee member will apply the discount to the player registration.

Late Season start

We understand that players join part way through a season for a variety of reasons. We will offer a discount for late starters on the following dates  This is applicable only to club fees. 

1st June 202525% Club fees discount
1st July 202550% Club fees discount
1st August 202575% Club fees discount

If teams are full, we can offer a training only package. Players can attend the 2 sessions per week training. Fees applied are $99, $69, & $39 and are applicable in line with the late season start date discount schedule.

Coach Fees 

The fees detailed above are inclusive of all fees for teams coached by a volunteer community coach. We cover the coach club fees and provide the coach with club apparel and coaching equipment.

There are some teams that will have a paid coach. These coaches may be coaches brought into the club or a senior player that has begun their coaching journey. These costs are added to player fees and are made known prior to a player registering for a paid coach team.

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